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Apparel Orders

Ordering for all apparel will be done online this year! You can access the BDP Apparel online store by going to your Online Parent portal (the same one you used to register for classes at JDS). Once in your portal click on "Online Store" and go to the BDP Apparel tab to start your order! These orders are exclusive for BDP members and their families. ORDERING CLOSES on SEPTEMBER 3rd!


The following items are required for every BDP member:

1. Company Jacket: $60 (includes personalization)

2. Company T-Shirt: $25(includes personalization)

3. Company Earrings: $10 offered as clip on or stud


The jacket, t-shirt and earrings are the same from last year so returning dancers do NOT

need to re-order these items unless they need a new size or have lost an item, etc.

All other items are optional for your dancer!


When ordering, please make sure you carefully select and double check the sizing, design options and spelling of any personalization text.

If your order includes personalization, please add the text to the "Item Notes" box for each item. 

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