JDS HIP HOP CREW is the minimal commitment competition team option for dancers who just want to do Hip Hop. The goal of the company is to allow dancers who solely train in hip to be a part of our award winning company and join in the fun!
Dancers will be placed in 1 hip hop piece but may be eligible for additional pieces. Hip Hop Crew members are not required to be a part of the production piece unless the production dance includes the hip hop style.
Dancers will attend all scheduled regional competitions. 3 regional competitions.
Dancers will attend the in-house convention.
Dancers will be required to take 1 class each week in the hip hop style.
Dancers will have weekend rehearsals. 2-3 weekends each month.
Dancers will participate in the Bulverde Jubilee and JDS Annual Spring Recital.
Hip Hop Crew company members may be eligible for solo/duet-trio at the discretion of the director.